Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So we bought that P90X program. Well, strike that - Sarah bought it and I'm using it. She/We.. whatever.. purchased it a little while ago and it had been taking up space next to the Wii game system in the tv cabinet. It was then moved to the shelf were it vacated a spot snugly wedged between various history books. I decided to take the initiative and start the program recently. I read the books. I watched the preDVD. I even set up my own random charts which consisted of workout times and what to eat and when to eat it. It's a great program. HOWEVER, I am very convinced on one thing.

Mr. whatshisface is clearly on cocaine. 

I know, I know, working out gets you all ENERGIZED and pumped on life (side note - while typing the word "pump" I first accidently wrote out the word "pimp." Pimped on life. I like it)... but I feel this guy goes a little beyond that and is under the influence of some sort of drug which he happened to cut into his supplement plan.  Even right behind me, the TV is on pause and he's striking his heisman stance with a look in his eyes of pure fervor.

The guy is flat out scary folks - and don't be surprised when he has a heart attack from speed balling on hard drugs and protein shakes.

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