Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stop Saying Words

I think I understand why the college degree has become the equivalent to the high school diploma. The reason being is because of the rising number of IDIOTS who are soiling the great institutions of higher learning. Everyday I come into contact with someone who I am amazed can convert oxygen into carbon dioxide, let alone pass enough classes to obtain a piece of paper that certifies that they are semi-intelligent. 

Take for instance - There is a girl (I say girl, but I'm pretty sure that the large amounts of METH has aged her body considerably) in one of my history classes who drives me to lose all hope for education at all levels nationwide.  She plops into her desk everyday and rambles on about how many chapters she read the night before as if that would trigger OOO's and AHH's at her intellectual prowess....

 No, I am not impressed at the fact that you will ask a question about the Cold War when we are discussing World War II just because you read ahead of everyone.  I am not impressed that you ask what kind of benefits the Prime Minister of England receives like you have this grand life plan to take over Great Britain. Nor am I impressed that you try to argue with John Crossno (my history GOD) about who did what when and why it was really important. 

YOU are an IDIOT and do not deserve to be in the same class room as me. 

I hate you. I hate staring at the back of your head (because you insist on sitting at the very front of the class so that the professor will be sure to see your hand waving frantically back and forth like you are a Pentecostal having a religious seizure). I hate hearing your voice. I hate when your head tilts to the side while you chew on your pencil pretending to be deep in thought when I KNOW you have had all you ridiculous questions formed out ahead of time. I hate that when Crossno forgets an exact date and you flip through your text book at lightning speed like this is some kind of bible drill competition on speed.  And I hate that you take and extra long time packing your 394183419854235 note books up just so you can engage in conversation with Crossno.. when HE hates you too!

I wish she would read this. But for now, you get to and even that makes me feel just a bit better.

*sign* I need a fucking beer.


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