Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Today is THE day. I mean, this is IT.

It's February 14th, 2008.

That equates to VALENTINE MADNESS!!

Actually, right not is Valentine madness because this is when I wait till the very last second to bring some sort of order to the many many boxes of assorted goodness. So here I am with a floor scattered in pink/red/white...

..and SKULLS?

Who cares is I have a 200+ page book to read accompanied by a 5 page book review to do?! This is V-DAY!! I'm sure my professors will understand. I mean, come on! I come bearing fuzzy handcuffs.. how can you not LOVE that??

Ah shit. In all seriousness I will finish my ASSignment, then dive into Valentine Overboardness later tonight...

...after I steal another shopping cart from K-Mart for disbursement purposes.

Peace and Conversation Hearts,

M-F'ing Cupid

1 comment:

wesbo24 said...

Technically Cupid is short, fat, and NAKED