Thursday, September 23, 2010

Let the Catch-Up Begin...

Looking through my beers notes, I've noticed there is a lot of catching up to do. This is okay. I'm taking a sabbatical from beer. Oh, don't fret. It's temporary. I'm on a diet of sorts right now. I only drink it if it's clear - this means water... and vodka. Calories, my friends, calories. So, this gives me ample time to pick up the pace of my beer blogs without constantly adding to my list - and waistline.

Let us start with the Highland Gaelic. giggle nearly every time I say the word Gaelic. So, ordering this got me a look from my server that said, "Grow up, dipshit, and drink this while you're at it." I obliged and was happy to do so. I do love a good amber ale, after all. It looked nice. They don't call it an amber for nothin' and this one followed suit. It poured a coppery-brown with just a light head. It smelled surprisingly sweet, however. Brown sugar and hops is the best I could get out of it. I'm not sure if it was just that simple or if I was still chuckling as a read the word Gaelic over and over in my head. The taste was a mix of malt and fruits that ended on a bitter note. Every once in a while I could taste that sweetness of that brown sugar smell. Decent beer. I liked.... GAELIC..... Okay, I'm done.

I clearly felt the need to step up my game, because I jumped into something a little stronger. Victory Yakima Twilight is the product of that leap. This one rings in at an 8.7%abv.
I was a little confused by the name, because it too much resembles an anime cartoon shown on late night Cartoon Network. But, I tried it for two reasons: 1. It's an IPA and I said I wanted something stronger and 2. I have to try 200+ beers anyway, so why not. When I poured it into the glass I was instantly taken aback. This was not a typical IPA. This was a BLACK IPA (also known as a dark IPA). Instead of the usual light, hazy characteristics this beer poured a reddish-brown. I stared at it for awhile. I'm scared at this point. I'm not racist in my beers, but because I don't like being snuck up on and I feel has already done so. Now what? Oh yeah, smell it. Hops, instantly. Duh, I know, it's an IPA. But this was an extraordinary smell of hops. Very strong and almost spicy. A little hint of caramel, but only slightly. The sweetness comes out more in the flavor and then the bitter hops hits you at the finish. A little citrus zest is thrown in there for good measure. All in all, I really enjoyed it.

Oh, and the name - NOT an anime. It actually comes from the Yakima Valley in Washington where the hops are farmed. The Yakima Valley is home to about 75% of the hop acreage in America. So, BAM! mo-fos. Knowledge.

And to round it all off, we have Founders Dirty Bastard.

This Scotch Ale from Michigan weighs in at a respectable 8.5%abv. This beer poured a nice deep, dark red and had a lot of earthy tones in the aroma. The dark sweetness is subtle, but very pleasant. It had a beginning taste of dried dark fruits - cherries maybe. Bitter chocolate a little bit of sweeter vanilla. Basically, I loved it, as I do most beers from Founders.

Now, as mentioned before, don't you dare think I've stopped my quest. I haven't- especially since I'm a paid member at FS and would never let that go to waste! But I'm a vain girl and need my break to let my body recover. I say this while I sip vodka and soda, so clearly my liver is not included in this recovery. Happy drinking, all!

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