Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Need Beer.. and a Job.

My beer consumption has slowed down considerably. This is not out of lack of desire. Unfortunately my taste for exceptional brews and lack of funds available make it difficult to live the life of a beer snob. I am half-tempted to peruse my beloved bar in search of desperate boys who are willing to buy me an eight dollar beer with wanting nothing in return. This would go against everything I believe it - but, like I said, it's tempting.

I also have been job hunting. Which is why my blog has been going long periods of time with no new words. My apologies. If you know of anyone who wants to hire a semi-pro beer consumer who is looking to go pro (with pay, of course) please point me in their general direction. I am thirsty and becoming increasingly sad.

For now - CareerBuilder and Monster are calling my name. Both of these have given me no leads, so I am close to shooing away the Monster that's supposed to be Building me some sort of Career. After all, I hear those people who do "professional massages" on Craigslist are doing pretty well.

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