Thursday, September 11, 2008

please excuse me over-it-ness

I'm sitting in Religion. That's about it. Just sitting here.

I have had to learn to push out any and all voices - unless it's Fanny or Sara asking me if we're drinking tonight in-which I blurt out a quick, forceful "YES!" then quickly fall back into my state of oblivion. 

Our professor is a 30something year old guy who went to seminary. He has never been drunk. He has never.. well... had.. um.. yeah... he's a virgin. He likes to talk about his girlfriend who he met on eHarmony and encourage us to try it. I'm not taking relationship advice from a guy who is known throughout campus for having a perpetual boner. 

My next gripe - overzealous ridiculously wealthy republicans who can't take a flippin' joke when I inform them that McCain is 23 years older than the state Palin governs. I'm sorry, I don't give a damn WHO you are - that shit's funny!

And also, my advice to the next shmuck who decides to pick an election year to nail the underage daughter of a vice presidential candidate who is known for her staunch "prolife" stance: wear a rubber dipshit.
Well I guess a shot gun wedding is fitting for a member of the NRA. 

"Looky Sarah! We got one o' them queers to plan your daughter's wedding to make it fancy!!"

1 comment:

wesbo said...

SOOOoooo....what do you REALLY think.