Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Door Gym Gem

I just thought it should be known that although it might be true that working out can be calming, relaxing and rewarding, installing work out EQUIPMENT has the opposite effect. (Affect? Effect? You know, that still give me problems to this very day).

While installing a "door gym" I was faced with the difficult task of fastening door brackets and wrestling with elastic cords. Both left me contemplating putting them to use as a noose instead of a calorie burning apparatus. However, I'm sure that would leave me feeling like even more of a failure as I bobbed up and down losing consciousness at the bottom only to regain it as the bungee snapped me back up over and over again.

I keep glancing at the door as the brackets hang loosely from the top, almost mockingly. The extra parts are sitting next to the box with a picture of a guy who is operating a perfectly assembled door gym. I have named him Jim - and I hate him.

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